Tree Board Names 3rd Grade Arbor Day Poster Contest Winners

For their annual 3rd grade Arbor Day poster contest, the Lexington Tree Board named two winners.  Aliah Mendoza-Andrade from Bryan Elementary School and Loida Vasquez from Sandoz Elementary School are this year’s winners.

Aliah and her school were honored on Thursday, April 25, at Bryan School.  An Elm tree was planted on the grounds of Bryan School, and members of the Tree Board presented Aliahwith her poster framed for posterity.

On Monday, April 29, a similar presentation was held for Loida at Sandoz School.  Loida’s tree is a Greenspire Linden.

The Tree Board judged 211 poster entries from Lexington third grade pupils, but has no knowledge of the artist until the judging is over.  Every year there are many talented artists and creative posters, which makes the judging challenging but rewarding.  The purpose of the contest is to build appreciation at an early age for trees and the many benefits they give us.

Arbor Day is always the last Friday in April.  This year it was April 26, and marks the 152nd year of Arbor Day, and the 52ndt anniversary of the Arbor Day Foundation, headquartered in Nebraska City.

Lexington Tree Board members are: Ann Luther, Tom Nelson, Marty Smith Kevin Zelaya and Dave Stenberg.

