Snow & Ice Removal and Snow Routes

Snow & Ice Removal and Snow Routes

See a map of Lexington’s Emergency Snow Routes below. Lexington Snow and Ice Removal Winter weather season is upon us and the City would like to remind citizens of the following points related to snow removal. Property owners are required to remove snow and ice...
Time to Sign up for Youth Tennis

Time to Sign up for Youth Tennis

Click here to register online. Youth Tennis Registration is now open! Classes are free and provided by the City of Lexington and Lexington High School Girls Tennis Team. Please register by Thursday, March 6 to help us prepare for varying class sizes. Fill out the...
February Environmental Tip Of The Month

February Environmental Tip Of The Month

Don’t Recycle Anything Smaller Than a Credit Card In the quest to be a recycling guru, you may be tempted to recycle every little thing you can. But, small pieces like bottle caps, shredded or tiny pieces of paper and can tabs can get stuck in recycling processing...