Meeting Agendas & Minutes
City Services
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Meeting Agendas & Minutes
A comprehensive list of all meeting agendas and minutes dating back to January 2007
Notice of most projects for bid or Requests for Proposals will be published in the Lexington Clipper-Herald and on this page.
Contractors and vendors may sign up for email notifications of bid-letting and RFPs. Please register with the City Clerk, Pam Baruth, (308) 324-2341 or
Staff Directory
A list of of all City of Lexington staff where you can find names, titles, email addresses, and phone numbers
A list of of all City of Lexington ordinances dating back to 1920
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Contact Us
406 E 7th Street
PO Box 70
Lexington, NE 68850
(308) 324-2341
Dennis Burnside
Asst. City Manager

@2024 City of Lexington | All rights reserved. | Designed by Kevin Brown Design. Photo Credit: Brandon Bartoszek