U.S. Coast Guard

United State Coast Guard

Mission: to ensure our Nation’s maritime safety, security and stewardship. We will serve our Nation through the selfless performance of our missions. We will honor our duty to protect those we serve and those who serve with us.

Motto: “Semper Paratus” (Latin for “Always Ready”
Founded: August 4, 1790, originally the Revenue-Marine. It was renamed the U.S. Coast Guard January 28, 1915.

The United States Coast Guard (USCG) is a branch of the United States Armed Forces engaged in maritime (ocean-going) security, search and rescue, and law enforcement. The service is unique for having a maritime law enforcement mission with jurisdiction in both domestic and international waters, and a federal regulatory agency mission. It is the largest and most powerful coast guard in the world, rivaling the capabilities and size of most navies.

The U.S. Coast Guard is at any given time deployed to and operating on all seven continents and in cyberspace to save lives; enforce laws; ensure safe and secure commerce; and protect the environment. As a humanitarian service, it saves tens of thousands of lives a year at sea and in U.S. waters, and provides emergency response and disaster management throughout the world.

Coast Guard Creed
I am proud to be a United States Coast Guardsman.
I revere that long line of expert seamen who by their devotion to duty and sacrifice of self have made it possible for me to be a member of a service honored and respected, in peace and in war, throughout the world.
I never, by word or deed, will bring reproach upon the fair name of my service, nor permit others to do so unchallenged.
I will cheerfully and willingly obey all lawful orders.
I will always be on time to relieve, and shall endeavor to do more, rather than less, than my share.
I will always be at my station, alert and attending to my duties.
I shall, so far as I am able, bring to my seniors solutions, not problems.
I shall live joyously, but always with due regard for the rights and privileges of others.
I shall endeavor to be a model citizen in the community in which I live.
I shall sell life dearly to an enemy of my country, but give it freely to rescue those in peril.
With God’s help, I shall endeavor to be one of His noblest Works.

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